About me
After 1,5 years at the university of Gothenburg filled with different
courses, the last semester is there with my thesis in front of me. I read about
climate change, resource efficiency, environmental management systems,
sustainable development and environmental economics.
Starting the project…
My thesis topic now is plastics in the ocean, which is a very up-to-date
topic with lots of research going on. But then it is also a very broad and
diverse issue, so to find a focus will be one of my first tasks after some
general reading. Thanks to an external lecturer at a methodology course, I got
a supervisor at Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers. Henrikke, my
supervisor, already did quite some research about plastics in marine
environments, so we will work together on this synthesis project.
Probably everyone has seen one of these typical albatross pictures as shown below before. But nowadays the amount of plastic litter in the oceans is so pronounced that numberless species are affected and research interest grew strongly. I choose this topic for my thesis because it is one of the big global environmental problems humanity has to solve and because of its resulting crucial importance to all of us.
Background overview
- Sources of plastic debris in the ocean:
- Dumping from fishing boats (gear, nets)
- Littering of beaches, tidal and flooded areas
- Blowing-off from landfills & industrial areas / cities
- Waste load carried from inland by rivers & fall out from sewage systems
- Microbeats from industry & cosmetics (scrubbers)
- Threats to the marine fauna from the plastics:
- Ingestion – including attached hydrophobic contaminants (PCB etc)
- Entanglement – mostly fatal / lethal
- Accumulation on sea floor hinders gas exchange (à anaerobic milieu)
- Spread of alien species encrusted to floating particles
- Problem mitigation possibilities
- Demand national & international legislation for measures stopping the release of more plastic into the ocean & cleaning up what is already there
- Educational campaigns for awareness raising
- Enhance financial incentives to reduce plastic packaging
- Better informed conservation management
- Introduce & increase the use of biodegradable substitutes
Aim and/or hypothesis – research questions
· What effects does plastic debris in the ocean have on
marine ecosystems?
· Environmental evaluation: How effective are which
mitigation actions?
· LCA aim: Environmental evaluation of a clean-up operation
· Synthesis aim: collect & organise the growing
knowledge about plastics in marine environments
Preliminary table of contents
- Plastics in general – raw materials, production, use, properties & contaminants, recycling / incineration (necessary?)
- Marine plastic debris – sources, flows / transport routes, impacts & toxics, decomposition & deposition, lifetime
- Comparison of approaches to environmental evaluation methods
- Anthropocentric: ecosystem services
- Biocentric: framework from IUCN evaluating effectiveness
- Ordinary LCA
- Environmental evaluation of a clean-up operation: tourist trip to Svalbad – ecobalance (negative & positive impacts)
- Discussion: Ecological compensation & off-setting realistic or misleading? Does ecotourism change people´s behaviour (educational effect)?
- Conclusions
- Outlook: mitigation actions recommended for different groups (decision makers, NGOs, companies, private persons)
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