around the globe agree on that the pollution of the ocean with plastics is a
big problem. Approaches how to handle this problem however vary from cleaning
up the gyres, over simply picking up plastics at beaches, till for instance altering
landfills to reduce new littering. From my point of view, certainly all of
these mitigation actions are required to get the marine pollution under control.
The approach mentioned to clean up the big garbage patches in the middle of the
ocean is driven forward by Boyan Slat, a very young Dutch entrepreneur and
inventor. He invented a stationary floating construction that concentrates the superficial
litter into a zone where it can be collected by boat and shipped to land for recycling
In case you cannot read the text properly on the pics here just visit the webpage!
clean up strategy is the cleaning of beaches from debris, which happens a lot especially
in tourist regions. But due to the spread of floating plastics
by ocean currents as explained, beaches in remote areas where normally no one
cleans up are littered as well. There the debris affects the local wildlife species
mainly by entanglement & ingestion (Gregory, 2009). A practical example of remote
beach cleaning is the initiative “Clean Up Svalbard” by the Governor of
Spitsbergen, Oceanwide Expeditions and the Association of Arctic Expedition
Cruise Operators (AECO). They launched a one-week arctic boat expedition with
about 120 participants in summer 2015 to collect beach trash at the Norwegian archipelago
of Svalbard, far away from the mainland and long behind the Arctic Circle (AECO, 2014).
A travel report by a
participant of that trip can be found under the following link:
Further, most
plastic in the ocean is of very small size, which makes its removal very
problematic (Jambeck et al., 2015). Therefore “the most effective mitigation
strategies must reduce inputs” states Jambeck et al. (2015, p. 768), which also
is a mitigation strategy. To reduce the amount of plastics that newly enters
the ocean every year is of course absolutely necessary to diminish the problem
substantially in the long term. This means that citizens, industries and
municipalities worldwide have to change their behaviour and practices, which
surely is no easy undertaking but one of the big global problems that humankind
needs to tackle.
Updated version!